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Resources for Current Students

2024/25 Timetable and Classroom Locations 


Course registration arrangements in academic year 2024/25

Course registration arrangements in academic year 2024/25


Enrollment quota for each EXSC course is limited.  Preference will be given to students who have already declared Minor in Kinesiology on HKU Portal.


Each eligible student is allowed to register for two (2) EXSC courses only in academic year 2024/25 .


Exemptions and preferences will be given to final-year students who will graduate in academic year 2024/25.


If students already completed six (6) or more EXSC courses in previous academic years, they should be deemed to have fulfilled Minor in Kinesiology requirements, and further registration of EXSC courses will NOT be allowed/approved.


If there is any time clash between an EXSC course and another course, students are advised to register for EXSC course on HKU Portal first, and seek necessary approvals afterwards.  Example:

Time Clash
Actions to be taken
Mon & Tue: 9:30 – 11:30
1 hour on Mondays
Register this course on HKU Portal first
Mon: 10:30 – 12:30;
1 hour on Mondays
Seek approvals from EXSC and BIOL teachers and
Wed: 9:30 – 10:30
ask your home faculty to register this course for you

Notice to students who are planning to take EXSC courses in academic year 2024/25

Notice to students who are planning to take EXSC courses in academic year 2024/25


To expedite the handling of enquiries concerning EXSC courses and/or Minor in Kinesiology, please provide the following information in your email:

  • Full name

  • University Number

  • Curriculum

  • Year of Study

  • Already declared Minor in Kinesiology on HKU Portal or not

  • Course code(s) concerned, if applicable

  • Details of the issue

and send your email to  As we are handling a high volume of inquiries each day, especially during the course selection period and add/drop period, please expect that you will receive our reply in 2-4 working days.​


Enrollment quota for each EXSC course is limited.  Preference will be given to students who have already declared Minor in Kinesiology on HKU Portal with feasible study plans to complete all requirements (6 courses, equivalent to 36 credits) within normative study period, i.e. 4 years for most undergraduate degree programmes, and on first-come-first-serve basis.


For students who wish to seek time clash approval, please provide the following information in your email:

  • Full name

  • University Number

  • Curriculum

  • Year of Study

  • Already declared Minor in Kinesiology on HKU Portal or not

  • Course codes concerned

  • Which day the time clash will take place

  • How long is the time clash

  • Which class you will attend in the time clash

  • What is your plan to catch up for the class contents you have missed in either course

and send your email to  Please expect that you will receive our reply in 2-4 working days.​


Our approval on your time clash application does NOT guarantee you will be secured a place in the EXSC course concerned.  Neither does it mean a place will be reserved for you in the course.  Whether your course enrollment will be approved is dependent on the time your home faculty manually registers the course on HKU Portal for you, and whether the course concerned still has quota available at the time of manual registration.


Common Core course on offer in 2024/25

CCST9075  Be Fit! Be Active!  (6 credits)

CCST9075 Be Fit! Be Active!  (6 credits)

Area of Inquiry:

Scientific and Technological Literacy

Course Description:

What’s stopping you from being fit and physically active?

Humankind has evolved rapidly, having set physical activity as a primary pillar for our survival and health. However, we are currently living in an era where we become less physically active and more sedentary. What is it that makes us choose to adopt a physically inactive and sedentary lifestyle, when we know the negative health impacts of it? This course will help you solve this intertwined mystery, which will help you sustain a healthier and happier life.

To unfold the box of this enigma, we first need to understand the inter-disciplinary nature of exercise, and physical activity determinants. Through a series of themed lectures we will explore together how individuals’ participation in exercise and physical activity is determined not only by personal factors, but also by contextual, cultural, and environmental factors.

“Be Fit! Be Active!” is a course that aims to radically change your understanding of the essence of bodily movement. You will not only acquire a strong theoretical background, but also engage in hands-on tasks and experience. Having completed practically useful projects, you will have the opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of real-world interventions and learn in-depth about the fundamental techniques needed to design programmes and policies aimed at increasing physical activity and well-being.

[A field trip will be held in Reading Week.]

More details:

Other minors in Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences

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